FXR Clubstyle

Very cool job. Sporty gastank, high risers and the headlight with fairing mounted higher thah stock too and you also gotta love that simple race-ass made from an old fender

Author: Beer

I have been working for biker magazines for most of my life. I am currently making a two percenter choppers-only yearbook myself called, CHOP, RIDE & PARTY. Check it out, previews are on facebook. The CRP yearbook will come out soon.

One thought on “FXR Clubstyle”

  1. back before the tc install, still had the basani header pipe, home made muffler cut down, the sporty tank from an 04-06 carb, had a mikuni on it. bdl belt drive primary, and 23-51 chain rear. now i have 15″ shocks and 4 over on the bike, 2007′ bagger swing arm and pm calipers all around. still have the sporty bars and hand guards. still splitting lanes daily. good times.

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