Flanders Chopper Bash 2017


Wicky, Ger, Huig and Ger from Rogues MC rode with Brian and Wolf of the Deathtraps to Assenede in Belgium last Friday for the ultra-mega cool Chopper Bash. This one above and All photos below are made by Beer. He kept the best for an article in his Chop, Ride and Party book though.

Tomorrow we would like to publish some photos of the Bash made by others. We will steal them from facebook and instagram. Anybody got any photo of the insane mosh-pit or of the bands inside the tent? Loved them little Swedsih girls headbanging on stage, so much power!

Author: Beer

I have been working for biker magazines for most of my life. I am currently making a two percenter choppers-only yearbook myself called, CHOP, RIDE & PARTY. Check it out, previews are on facebook. The CRP yearbook will come out soon.

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