Assembly London UK

In london, at this sinister location, a new chopper-show was organised in the style of shows like the Moon Eyes show in Sweden, Art and Wheels in Basel, Switzerland and the one that started it all, the Brooklyn, Invitational. Inspirational for sure.

We had the luck that Bjorn Mellgren took PHOTOS for us all to see. Bjorn has a very interesting past.  Started on a 45 flathead chopper at the age of 17 and when 18  he immedeatley started a 10 week roadtrip in Europe with it. His second chop was built around an original Denvers Mullins frame and again Bjorn rode it all over the fucking place, He did what all young bikers of today are dreaming of and start doing all over again. Bjorn is an old friend of the club.


Author: Beer

I have been working for biker magazines for most of my life. I am currently making a two percenter choppers-only yearbook myself called, CHOP, RIDE & PARTY. Check it out, previews are on facebook. The CRP yearbook will come out soon.

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