BREAKING NEWS: Archeologists find 1500 years old Rogues logo!

We knew it all along, with us Rogues being such a great club there must be more history behind it than just 38 years. And here you go. This proves Rogues tribes have been raising hell here in the West Friesland swamps since the begining of times.

Author: Beer

I have been working for biker magazines for most of my life. I am currently making a two percenter choppers-only yearbook myself called, CHOP, RIDE & PARTY. Check it out, previews are on facebook. The CRP yearbook will come out soon.

2 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Archeologists find 1500 years old Rogues logo!”

  1. Congratz with the stunning evidence of your ancient existence!

    We wish you all good hollidays and a great 2018!

    Rocknrollas MC

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