In 1994 we celebrated our 15th anniversary. At that time we considered it to be a ‘huge’ time, however, when I now think about then, it now isn’t that big of a thing. But then it sure was. On our invitation poster on A2 size we see Latka on his Harley chopper. We also put ’15th’ extra on the party patch and some us had ordered a 15 years clubring to commemorate this milestone.

It’s the same year Rabalder MC started their club and as you all know by now we went to their 25th anniversary just over a week ago with a delegation of our club. My wife, L.K. Mike and I went by air-plain to Norway, the others by bike.
Rabalder MC had done their utmost best to make us feel welcome in their clubhouse. A hotel was arranged for us and last but not least; a ‘private’ chauffeur to bring us from and to the clubhouse and wherever we would like to go. Tommy, their prospect, volunteered for this ‘job’.
While we were there, Tommy told us some things about the history of Norway and Tunsberg in particular, because I like to know some more about these topics while we were in the ‘neighbourhood’. He also helped us lifting me in and out of the car into the wheelchair. Well, I’m 198 cm tall and about 100kg, so you all get the picture. We had a great time together. At the party the liqueur took it’s toll…… No need to explain.
But hee, fun we had. I will come back on this topic later, today 1994 is the subject.

Cor, Jezus and Hond in the middle.

Nacks takes a photo of his French friends, Wakan Tanka MC, together with Beer in the middle.