The year 2002 was having some ‘major’ up and downs. That year we decided to re-style our club-colors. On April 6th we all arrived at the clubhouse to renew our colors. There was this girl with a huge sewing-machine at the clubhouse who changed all our colors for the new re-designed version. Just a bit bigger and new letters / type-font. Everybody was proud to wear the new colors. Exactly one week later Schweik died. That year we also had four new members. Wicky became full-member in March, Pult in May and Limp and Timo in June.
Two months later we celebrated our 23th anniversary. We organised a UNI-Cycle demo-race with the Vagabonds MC and Black Sheep MC, a strip-act, a fire-spit act, silly games and a few bands. Well, you all know the drill by now. Our invitation poster also changed a bit, also due to our re-designed colors. And also a party patch for those who wated it. It was also the time that digital photography became more popular. Not that those pictures had a lot of pixels, but still. If you wanted better you needed serious money to afford such a camera. Cam-corders used DV-Tapes those days. I too had to had to get used with these digital equipment and ‘grow’ with my time. It was also the time when you had to comply with more and more regulations. So be it, what is needed is needed and that’s just the end of it.
It was also the year that a great deal of European countries introduced the ‘new’ Euro as their new coin, including Holland. Therefor we also needed new liquer coupons, of course with the redesigned club color printed on it as well.
The announcement of our 23th anniversary, also stating that the party had to end at 03.00 hour Sunday morning ect.