Right, we’ve reached a milestone again and the year is 2004. That year our club existed 25 years. Even for us that was a rather ‘big’ achievement. And therefor we wanted to put some extra effort in our 25th anniversary. On our invitation poster we even stated: ‘this is the big one’! And yes, it was a big party!!!
In 2004 the party-patch came back on the agenda again, because it was our 25th anniversary and that party had to be special. But when we voted over this subject most of us were against. That was the end of it.
Those who have been there might remember it, because there were quite a few of you that year from just about every corner of the earth. You see, the thing is, we even had our own club-band ‘Think-ink’!
Long before the actual party some of our members started practising their skills with the instruments. Because we had another new prospect as well, Ron, he also ‘volunteered’ to take part in the band. We were all rather surprised by the idea, but they preformed rather well I might add. Mike the Bike, the lead-singer of the band found out he could add a new skill to his long list of skills…. Ahem.
Of course we had other bands as well, a rather dangerous chain-saw act, the UNI-Cycle race again with again more teams and we also had special prizes such as longest distance by bike.
We also arranged a strip-act with three girls. I’m not sure if that had to do with the fact the year before the ‘Twin Sisters’ appeared to be one girl, but who knows. Anyway, it turned out to be a great strip-act.
We were presented with a awful lot of gifts, also due to the fact is was our 25th anniversary. Some of those gifts survived the fire and some of them didn’t.
I also had made a slideshow to be presented on a big screen and lots of our guests and us recognised ourselves on these old photos and on Sunday some of the guests tried to stay on the hood behind the car again. Fun guaranteed! Also during that day to chill a bit, while getting sober again.
But as always festive highlights are followed by huge lows. A few weeks later Manny, our brother and very good friend of mine sadly died. But that’s just how life is.
The coming weekend or a bit later the first guests from several parts of the world shall arrive at the clubhouse and thus the content of this blog will be focussed on our upcoming 40th anniversary. Fonda and I try to do our best to keep you updated, but hey, for us as founders it’s party time to. But I’m sure you all understand. See you all and have a safe journey.
Latka and another contender in one of several manches.
Some of the contenders in a row.
Torra is handing over the trophy won by Latka.
Latka with his won trophy made by my best friend and club-founder Beer.