Today finally the temperature reached more normal values. Maybe a bit of rain to, but not that much to be worried. When I went to the clubhouse yesterday the shower was already put into position and more gifts were attached against the walls. Some of them my wife and I took back home to clean them a bit extra and ‘revitalise’ them with leather polish/grease. The biggest piece had a bit of burn damage, but the oldest one, from Gjutjärn MC, was in much better shape. Soot and fire extinguishing water damage to the leather had left his marks.
This morning they both looked a lot better again. Some of the gifts we still saved from the fire are beyond repair, but we kept them anyway as a ‘reminder’ of that terrible night in 2015.
So today, instead of ‘Breaking the week’ item, some more photos of these old Gifts. And remember when you arrive at our new almost finished clubhouse, our 40th anniversary in and at our clubhouse wouldn’t have been possible without the support from all of you out there: the sponsors (big and/or small), volunteers and members!
Anyway, piece by piece we’ll get there. All of us are very honoured to have received this financial- , personal- as well as emotional support since the devastating fire on February 13th, 2015, which changed our former clubhouse into a big pile of rubbish….
The ‘shower’ and some of the toilets.
Some of the gifts on the walls of our new clubhouse.
One of the few older gifts which surveived the fire from 2015. A gift from Gjutjärn MC – Sweden from 1989 for our 10th anniversary.
Ger showing a gift from the Chopper Kingz – France from 2014 for our 35th anniversary. The top side of the metal plate melted and curled by the heat of the fire.