Our ‘shortest’ member in time; Bram. Less then two months.

Chad explaining the Bonneville Speedway reflectioln in ’40’, while Fonda holds the painting up. Jim, also from the Barrons, standing next to Chad, while Wicky looks at the painting.
Yesterday I told about my speech and the won trophies. Not that I was the only one who held a speech, on the contrary. Wicky, our president, and Stud, the president of chapter Almere, both held a speech as well. Our good friend Chad Larsen from the Barrons MC – Salt Lake City – Utah – USA, also held a speech. He told us about both paintings, made himself, to honour Schweik and our club, as well as chapter Almere in one go. For Schweik’s painting he also used some salt from the salt-plains from Bonneville Speedway.
Chad had heard Schweik loved to race and race the quarter miles, and the best way to do that is at Bonneville Speedway. He never had the pleasure to meet Schweik himself, but in the ‘40′ of 40 years on the painting there’s the reflection of the Bonneville Speedway in bright white, mixed with the salt he fetched himself by going to the Bonneville Speedway himself.

Brembo, Chad and Jim.

These two paintings weren’t the only gifts we received. Hell no!!! We received many more beautiful presents from just as many friends and clubs. Each with there own story attached to it, which made these presents even more meaningful and worth heaving.
It’s not my intention to tell all the stories which came with the presents, but let me assure you, many will. Tomorrow I will tell the story which came with the gift from Brother Speed MC, handed out by N.Y.D., aka New York Donny.
From all over Europe and America friends/clubs came to Opmeer. We’re not sure how many came, but we’ll keep it at between 400 to 500. On Friday we already lost track of count.
We had made this special billboard, where we noted the distances the clubs and some of the individuals had to ride to get to Opmeer.

All the different distances.