Another kind of gifts is booze. In all sorts, shapes, sizes and alcohol levels as well. I have shown already several of them. Unfortunately I don’t know all of the persons who gave a liqueur bottle, but luckily some of them changed the labels with there names on it. Please let me know if your name is not there or incorrect. As I stated earlier, we were not present at all the ‘transactions’ when they took place to make a photo of it.

This bottle in a box was given by the ChopperheadZ – Nijverdal – Holland.

This bottle with Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 was given by the Shadows – Germany. They started their club in 1976. 43 years that izzzz.

This bottle with Bacardi Rum was given by Renate Voorham.

A bottle of Johnnie Walker Whisky given by Niek Clarijs – Zeeland.

Another bottle of Jack Daniel’sgiven by the HD Brothers – Himmerland – Geremany, aka the Full Throttle Squad.

This bottle was given by the Brotherhood MC.
Below four bottles of whom I don’t know who gave them.

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