Well, last Saturday was a perfect day for organising a UNI-Cycle race. We all know by now that you can’t depend on the weather, but we were lucky last Saturday. The sun was shining and the temperature was more then ideal and well in our favour.
It was rather crowdy, not to much, just a nice couple of friends competing with one another with their home-made uni-cycles. Last year our prospect from chapter Almere, Bowie, became overall winner of the Dutch competition. This year he’s making good progress again during the races and last Saturday he became, again, first in the UNI-Cycle race. With a bit of luck he can become Dutch champion again this year. But we all know it’s a tough competition and therefor not to be taken lightly.
The results from last Saturday’s competition:
1st : Rogues
2nd : Iron Horse
3rd : Black Sheep
All photos made by Sharon.

Bowie with his ‘full gear’. Red ‘deadman’s cable’ included.

Bowie resting.