Yesterday at the clubhouse Ed’s name-tag was put on ‘the Memory-lane’ at our clubhouse where he was joined with our other lost brothers. For my best friend Beer that day was extra emotional. It was his younger brother, who died earlier this year, which was now placed by Beer on our ‘Memory-Lane’.
I know Beer practically all my life and Ed since he was born, and to see him placing his brothers name-tag on the lane is a big blow. And there we stood, the both of us, thinking about our younger brothers who were club-brothers as well. My younger brother Blut, who died in 1988 on top of the lane and Beer’s younger brother Ed, who died this year, on the bottom of the lane.
And let me tell you, it’s hard to describe, we both felt the same loss and it didn’t feel okay…
Hell, that’s what life is all about and don’t take it for granted!!!