Today it is exactly one year ago that our mayor passed away suddenly. Mr. Nijpels was a welcome guest among the residents and associations of the municipality of Opmeer. Likewise with us.
He regularly came to our clubhouse to ‘watch’ how the construction of our new clubhouse was progressing. He wasn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves when we jokingly asked. We, Rogues MC Opmeer, can say that it is mainly thanks to him that we have had the opportunity to build this new clubhouse.
He was also a big believer in keeping our chopper shows going, despite all the misery leading up to all shows from 2015. He was a remarkable man who also spoke four different foreign languages, which made it easier for him to just chat with our foreign guests and show participants. He had broad interests and liked to be updated on what was going on.
We, Rogues MC Opmeer, have been privileged to have Mr. Nijpels as mayor of our village.

Fonda, burgemeester Nijels and Ger during our 40th Anniversary in 2019.

We, RMC Opmeer, accompanied our former mayor, mr. GertJan Nijpels, to his final resting place on February 15th, 2021.