Harley Stroker – IV

Well, today issue number seven of Easyriders magazine, June 1972 [volume 2 number 3] from Paisano Pblicatiolns Inc.- Burbank California. As I stated earlier; ‘I don’t have all the old issues, unfortunately, but the ones I do have in my collection can be shown [partly] here…’

If you watched the older posts, you can figure out that I don’t have number two, three and four [yet]. Also number twelve and fifteen till twenty. And thirtyfive, fifty and fiftyseven.

If someone could help me with a digital copy of the tree missing ‘stroker’ pages I’d be very grateful.

I’ve scanned all my old Easyriders after our clubhouse was set on fire. It made me think about our club-items and archive etc. Anyway, sitting in a wheelchiar for almost more then thirtyseven years doen’t generate that much money to do the things one would like to do, besides being albe to do so in the first place.

As a ‘hobby’ I tried over the years to collect as many Easyriders as possible to complete my collection. I had a subscription for many years, but my accident back in 1987 made me realize that each dollar have to be earned, one way or the other. And it can be spend just once…… Then you’ll have to earn a other dollar all over again. I used to be a carpenter. But, when you break your neck like I did, carpentry ain’t no longer a option. ‘Fxxx, fxxx, fxxx……..’ And that word ain’t possible either, damn….

So, now I’ll try to do my utmost best to fulfill my dream to complete my colection in ‘hard’ copies or as a digital version. Digital ain’t the same as a the actual isue, but for me it will do.

So having said all the above, now over to part seven of the ‘Stroker’ lessons. Below the scanned page in issue number seven. Till next post…

Brass, RMCF

2 thoughts on “Harley Stroker – IV”

    1. Hallo Marcel

      Dat zou geweldig zijn als U dit voor mij zou willen doen.
      In *.jpg of *.pdf formaat op 300dpi bijvoorbeeld. Maar dat is aan U uiteraard.

      Alvast bedankt,

      Brass Appel

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