
Man oh man, what a beautifull mix of old and new style elements, great gastank too! Love the mids, the frame, the girder and the big but not too big wheels.

Chopperking Traveling India

Okay, okay, we would not do any roadtrips this year anymore but photos of one particular trip just have to be shown here. Yvon from the Chopperkingz, Bretagne, France flew to India with his girl and traveled all over the fucking place on a motorcycle. Okay this is a chopperblog and that aint no chopper, but hey, maybe we wills start doing things like Yvon did on a chopper(!) in the future. We already know of guys having done that in primitive parts of Northern Africa, so here goes…just to give you guys a taste of what it could be like.

Hey Deathtraps, maybe a cool idea? Rogues member Torra sais, 'Let go'! 

Chopperking Traveling India

This is the type of bike the couple rode over there. A Royal Enfie;d. An english designed bike made in India with a lot of classic feel to it. Small but realiable. Nothing fancy but a true motorcycle nonetheless.