The mean green machine, Red Hill Choppers
Author: Beer
I have been working for biker magazines for most of my life. I am currently making a two percenter choppers-only yearbook myself called, CHOP, RIDE & PARTY. Check it out, previews are on facebook. The CRP yearbook will come out soon.
Opening clubhouse addition Red Hill Choppers
Highneck Sporty built and owned by Red Hill Choppers member Jorg
Opening clubhouse addition Red Hill Choppers
Very cool Sporty chop! Red Hill Choppers, Germany
In the media
German magazine! Awesome
Hey Turbo Rob
You see the oil tank here? That’s what we can do with yours, excellent cooling and much more capacity
We like ‘m long
Wow, just imagine watching these go by
True Customizing
Shave and engrave!
True Customizing
Wanna give your cilinderheads a more custom look? Drill ‘m up!
True Customizing
Want to give those cilinders a custom look. Grind of the lower cool-ribs and polish it all up. One hell of a job though! We mean, a lot of work!
True customizing
Create your own shit, take a set of stock or custom triple trees and give them a special treatment, like this dude did. So cool.
How? no clue….anyone?