RMC Blog Dyna Special

Scotty Forbes from the US of A builds these killer Dyna’s with stretched frames and no rake or even de-rake. This silver one is his own. Over here it is considered a typical American chopper.

In Europe most bikers like to have some rake too when they stretch a frame. You can go up to 38 degrees necks and still be able to have a decent handling scoot. For more than 38 degrees necks we advise raked triple trees to keep the handling good.

RMC Blog Dyna special

Except for not having adjusted the radius of the fender this is a fucking cool Dyna. The only way to have the Dyna frame resemble a classic fourspeed swingarm frame more is to lower it considerably. That will make you sit lower than the rearfender which is what all fourspeeds had. I think this dude also installed a bigger 18 inch rearwheel, which help to get the right effect.

biker history

Dirty, scruffy, greasy motherfuckers from the seventies. These guys would laugh their asses of if they saw bikers of today searching for clothes in catalogues, buying 30o dollar shoes, 600 dollar vests and more of that shit. Times are a changing.