Rogues Chopper History


The chopper that rocked the world! This chop was built by our member Hond and was featured in European Choppers. When people talk about that book they always mention this bike here. Hond sold it but bought it back recently, it had been changed by several former owners. Now Hond  wants to bring it back to how it looked on this pic.

We once had a lot of members riding longbikes influenced by the Swedes but we gave them a look of our own, adding some American style aspects and  things like other bars then the tiller bars the Swedes liked so much or different pipes as they would make. I think we made our choppers look a bit more aggressive than the Swedes. I think we were a bit more aggressive too, haha.

Chop, Ride & Party magazine


Finally….. it was about time. Our guy Beer, the one who does most work for this blog as well, has started his own magazine. It will be presented and available at our RMC Choppershow in April next year. It is an annual chopper-only publication with cool bad ass choppers mostly from Europe but also some from other parts of the world. It will have a lot of art in it, travel-tips, travel stories, chopper and biker history and much more. Go to the Chop, Ride & Party facebook page and share or like it please. It will be appreciated.

Biker artists Peter Atteson


Atte, when he was photographed for the book European Choppers by our member Beer. This is the man behind the beautifull wood sculpture. It could even be the same knuckle as the one he used as an example for the sculpture. Hey Atte, what about sending us a photo of your real life knuckle, the sculpture and you all in one? Do you also still carve for clubs? I will also post a photo of the carving you once made of the Rogues logo, more than twenty years ago. Okay?

Sporty Monday


Yes, peeps, this really is a Sportster motor! Love the cam cover but the sprocket cover is just da bomb. A piece of art, just like the controls are. Sweet! Customize that motor too if ya can, taking it all one step further. You know what is so cool about Sporty choppers at the moment? People buy them and chop them as keepers. It aint there steppingstone to a bigger cc Harley anymore. They just prefer the quality, the looks and the performance of a Sportster and therefor the realise then can spend as much time and money on them as they want because they are not selling it anytime soon.