Yank is enjoying the Dissenters MC 1th anniversary celebration.
Yank is enjoying the Dissenters MC 1th anniversary celebration.
Dreads (PMA Almere) is riding in Spain with the Scavengers mc.
Lurch at High Chapparal with Suki from the Black Sheep MC, Dennis from ‘t Hok, and Dave from God Squad Australia.
Last Sunday, was the club memorial day to honor the brothers who are no longer with us. We also attached Brass (founder) memorial plaque to the statue, marking a day filled with memories, tears, but also smiles and laughter as we shared stories about them.
But first, we visited the family of the ‘chopper doctor’ to give a motorcycle tank, beautifully airbrushed with the face of the chopper doctor on it.
En route to Antwerp for the Brotherhood MC’s 40th anniversary celebration, where Wicky, our president, will present the handmade anniversary gift. Enjoy, brothers!
Brother Arie and his wife, enjoying the terras and there self-made choppers, bask in the sunshine following a delightful trip. Both paint jobs are completed by brother Brembo.
Last year our guys Wicky amd Bob with good friends Joel from the Outsiders and Big Dave from Brother Speed USA
A couple of brothers went to the Harley Harbour Day 2024, they had great weather for a bike ride and were all heated up from the sun, they had some beers and had a great time.
They even spotted the boat of Sinterklaas, the saint, who has his birthday every year on the 5th of December. I’m still trying to convince him to swap the old boat for a fat ass chopper, but until now I have not had any luck…
Sometimes you just need to clear your mind and go on the road by yourself. That is exactly what Chopperkingz member Marco is doing. He flew to the States, visited his friends of the Deathtraps, was able to borrow this cool Shovelhead and now he is traveling somewhere in the States. If you do happen to see him, buy the man a drink, he deserves it!
Another roadtrip with the club. This time we go to Norway.