The Outsiders MC took our brothers NOl and Wicky on a trip to the Four Corners Run some years ago. They had the time of their life.
Long time ago.
blast from the past
Brass gave me this old clubphoto. Recognise anybody? Many are still in the club now!
Gooses shop
Just love to look at all the parts you don't need.
Does it beat a bagger?
hoochie mama
This summer we have built a club-bike just for special guests that come flying in. The weather was nice so Wicky took it for a spin.
Working on the clubhouse
This saturday we were working on the clubhouse. And drank beer of course. Good times!
Every winter we build new bikes. This year we started working on Buddhas new gooseneck chopper. Handfabbed pipes, tankornament, radiussed the fender, made the sissybar, fitted a antislipseat. More later.
nol dragracer
Our brother Nol who lives in the States is building this vintage dragracer together with Brother Speed Member Cannuck. 'Just for fun' he sais.